Environmental Investigations and Brownfield Services

In need of our Environmental Investigations and Brownfield Services?
We have solution oriented investigation programs.
AEI provides Environmental Investigations to quantify environmental conditions in soil and groundwater at properties often referred to as Brownfields. These properties typically have had industrial or commercial activity that may have left the land and/or groundwater contaminated with organic or inorganic constituents. These investigations are used to collect environmental data in order to determine if a certain cleanup standard can be obtained. AEI can also provide Wetland Delineation services.
Our capabilities include:
- Phase I / Real Estate Transactions
- Phase II Environmental Investigations
- Phase III / Remediation
- Wetland Delineation
What You Need to Know
Environmental Investigations are performed to quantify environmental conditions in soil, water, and air. Oftentimes regulatory agencies have standards in place that can be used to guide cleanups. Certain types of reports, when submitted to regulatory agencies, will require the use of certified professionals or registered engineers, geologists, and land surveyors.
Phase I/ Real Estate Transactions
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AEI can provide Real Estate Environmental Phase I Assessments in accordance with the ASTM Standard. Phase I Assessments are often used to assist lenders in determining if a property is suitable collateral for a loan. Lenders oftentimes only accept Phase I reports from an approved environmental consulting firm.
Phase II Environmental Investigations
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A Phase II Environmental Investigation (Phase II) is a term used to describe quantifying the environmental condition (nature and extent) of contamination. This generally includes soil boring, groundwater wells, sampling, laboratory analysis, surveying, and reporting. A Phase II can range from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars. Oftentimes a Phase II is implemented in stages.
Phase III / Remediation/ Tank Corrective Action
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A Phase III is a general term used to describe the cleanup or corrective action of a particular property. Typically a cleanup standard is established in accordance with state guidelines in order to permit the continued use of the property. Many states, like Pennsylvania, have programs (PA ACT 2 Brownfields) that can offer owners a path to achieve liability protection. AEI has also completed tank closure projects under the corrective action rules found in PA Code Title 25 Chapter 245 regulations.
Wetland Services
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AEI can provide wetland delineations that are typically required for new permits and during development. Field surveys are completed to determine the vegetation, soil type and hydrology to evaluate if the area qualifies as a wetland. If a wetland is identified, the project can be relocated so it is not in the wetland, or go through the mitigation process.
Signature Services
Environmental investigations and remediation of soil and water, from small surface soil investigations to complex multi-aquifer assessments.
Tank closure typically includes the removal of remaining product, cleaning of the tank system, the sampling of the soil and groundwater around the tank, completion of a written closure report, and how to obtain financial assistance.
Routine NPDES sampling, Visible Emission Monitoring (EPA Methods 9 & 22), completion of new or renewal permit applications, environmental reporting and plans, and waste characterization are some of the compliance services offered.
Aurora environmental Inc.
New Brighton, PA
Call Us
(724) 843-1494