Compliance Services







In need of our Environmental Compliance Services?

We have solution oriented compliance programs.

AEI is experienced in obtaining permits for solid and hazardous waste facilities, water and wastewater facilities , and air permits for various industries. We have conducted numerous compliance audits at commercial facilities. In addition, we have developed plans and assisted in the management of emergency response plans, and trained employers in waste management and provided waste minimization assistance.

AEI has developed a reputation for providing cost effective compliance solutions that work.

Our capabilities include:

  • NPDES Sampling and Reporting
  • New and Renewal NPDES Permit Applications
  • Opacity Monitoring
  • RCRA Waste Management Programs
  • Regulatory Compliance Assistance
  • RCRA/SPCC/SWPPP Training Programs
  • Emission Inventories for Annual Reporting
  • Tier II and Tier III Reporting
  • Dam Inspections

What You Need to Know 

AEI has experience in various environmental compliance programs and we can assist you with the development and implementation of yours.

Wastewater - Sampling / Testing

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AEI provides NPDES routine sampling services and regulatory reporting.  AEI routinely provides storm water sampling and reporting as required by individual and general permits. Please see our Water and Wastewater services section for additional information.

RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Programs

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AEI can assist owners with identifying and properly classifying waste streams.  We can assist with the development of a Compliance Program. See our Waste Management section under Services and click the More Info button for details.

Regulatory Compliance Assistance

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AEI can provide various environmental plans such as Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures Plans (SPCC), Pollution Prevention & Contingency Plan (PPC), and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to ensure compliance with various environmental permits. AEI can also perform Dam inspections as required in applicable permits.

Air Compliance Services

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AEI provides EPA Method 22 and Method 9 services at facilities as required by various air permits, and data collecting for cooling towers to determine particulate emission.  AEI can prepare an Air Emission Inventory for annual permit reporting or submission with an application.

Signature Services


Environmental investigations and remediation of soil and water, from small surface soil investigations to complex multi-aquifer assessments.



Tank closure typically includes the removal of remaining product, cleaning of the tank system, the sampling of the soil and groundwater around the tank, completion of a written closure report, and how to obtain financial assistance.



Routine NPDES sampling, Visible Emission Monitoring (EPA Methods 9 & 22), completion of new or renewal permit applications, environmental reporting and plans, and waste characterization are some of the compliance services offered.


Aurora environmental Inc.

New Brighton, PA

Call Us

(724) 843-1494