Waste Management Services
In need of our Waste Management Services?
We have solution oriented waste management programs.
AEI has experience with permitting and regulatory compliance in municipal, residual, and hazardous waste applications. We have conducted numerous compliance audits at commercial facilities. In addition, we have developed plans and assisted in the management of emergency response plans, and trained employers in waste management and provided waste minimization assistance.
AEI has developed a reputation for providing cost effective waste management and permitting solutions that work.
Our capabilities include:
- Data Management
- Solid Waste Permitting
- Generator and TSD Permitting
- Regulatory Compliance Assistance
- Hazardous Materials Management
- RCRA Training Programs
What You Need to Know
Environmental regulations require waste generators to properly classify, characterize, and dispose of waste. They must maintain records that comply with the rules, and for large quantity generators they must train employees and submit reports to state and/or federal authorities.
Waste Characterization and Data Management
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When generating any waste the person/business is required to perform an assessment of the waste to determine if it is hazardous. Proper documentation, handling, and disposal is the fundamental basis of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). AEI can assist with this characterization, waste management, and documentation.
RCRA Training Programs
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Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facilities of hazardous waste and Large Quantity Generators (LQG) are required to annually train employees. AEI can provide these training services in compliance with federal and state regulations. AEI can also provide training services required under other regulations, such as the SPCC rule, NPDES storm water requirements, and other state and local programs. Contact us for a quote.
Regulatory Compliance Assistance
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AEI can complete Hazardous Waste Biennial Reports, Pennsylvania Residual Waste Biennial Reports, 25R and 26R Reports as may be needed. We have completed permit applications for Treatment Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facilities at many facilities in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We have also provided Dam Inspections as required in applicable permits.
Signature Services
Environmental investigations and remediation of soil and water, from small surface soil investigations to complex multi-aquifer assessments.
Tank closure typically includes the removal of remaining product, cleaning of the tank system, the sampling of the soil and groundwater around the tank, completion of a written closure report, and how to obtain financial assistance.
Routine NPDES sampling, Visible Emission Monitoring (EPA Methods 9 & 22), completion of new or renewal permit applications, environmental reporting and plans, and waste characterization are some of the compliance services offered.
Aurora environmental Inc.
New Brighton, PA
Call Us
(724) 843-1494